WordPress is to slow to write or edit or customize; other than, that.

May 9, 2018

Happy Rosh Hashana ראש השנה‎ (Jewish New Year)

October 19, 2017

Source: Happy Rosh Hashana ראש השנה‎ (Jewish New Year)

reblog of september 27 2014

May 2, 2016

Common waves and winds ; uncommon point

Also, Somewhere the web page should display links and tags and key phrases like “Master.com.content”


(Pardon if some sort of tag or shared content notice to authors lacks here…)
i had some wonder in my own opinion, reading a webpage where comments were closed; the original post commenting  seemed welcomed and encouraged…

For me, this  Interesting timing after reading this one yesterday (May 1, 2016)(the dates are insignificant)

Posts read after closed comments

May 2, 2016

Good read!
My thoughts drift in wonder,where and if any, of some topics described in context or out of context; to parallel a quote with one of my own of those who read this, “..do an Say stunned?..” the introduction was presented like a pre announcement; some finale stated the final sentence of the two words: “stay tuned …”

Old Ole Ship

Do any “say stunned”?
While the description of the Thesis rings in meriitus accomplishment to support reflection , it seems even as a summary of the final chapters of a book that could have enough of a void to fill , but doubtfull, to encompass , subtlety of many contrasts that would easily be dismissed off topic or sidetrack, in that so much of this points to what I can only guess is , a need for a 4th thesis.
It would be unfair in my own opinion, myself- having not the formal training to support  as an educated critique..
Reality has a balance of logic types human and devine intertwine yet not always cohesively it seems…(just reality, for a miment; not the Thesis orBook)
Reality and Imagination intertwine, I’m not sure they are really opposite(also, not a quote from book thesis, or any commentary here)
God (The only God; as The…

View original post 190 more words

inspiration or just a spin

May 1, 2016

Do any “say stunned”?
While the description of a theses may ring in meriitus accomplishment to support reflection , it seems even as a summary …that could have enough of a void to fill , but doubtfull, to encompass , subtlety of many contrasts that would easily be dismissed off topic or sidetrack, in that so much of this points to what I can only guess is , a need for a theses on the  thesis.
It would be unfair in my own opinion, myself- having not the formal training to support  as an educated critique..
Reality has a balance of logic types human and devine intertwine yet not always cohesively it seems…(just reality, for a miment; not a specific theses…(edted)
and Imagination intertwine, ,,, and of the (lost in edit do  to”insert text key)..any commentary..)
God (The only God; as The Trinity or Triune God; in all practicle sence) seems to me to be above all creation including creation by concept,,, ; God Himself ominessints knows the purity and the degree of His input purity and the purity and integrity of anything created…. Mankind can choose to claim or declare or praise God for what we see as His creation , AND,  mankind can praise or thank Him for what mankind puts together of the possibilities, and even despite the possibilities,,,
Change sems to be a reality of imagination and pure in essence without human logic , with the exception of changing “way” …
Evoution is the non existant reality with a human description , at best it seems; evolution in some sense may border …other

 A sphere of life with God as humans ,  living Love and harmony …

Source: of inspirations  ,,,edited

Historical Theology as Fundamental for the Theologian’s Task — The Evangelical Calvinist

May 1, 2016

Something that drastically changed my theological development and life was and is historical theology; I first engaged with it in my seminary Reformation and Patristic theology classes. For the first time (at that point), pieces really began to fall into place for me (including my undergrad Bible College experience which didn’t get into, so much, […]

via Historical Theology as Fundamental for the Theologian’s Task — The Evangelical Calvinist

“The “”3 T’s”” ; Graduation Minor, degree in “”W’inc”” !

September 17, 2015

THEME : Category ; THINK : WordPress ; TAG : Poetry

i got tired of seeing this in “Draft” form for over a year.
This APP I found thru APPLE I-STORE (oe whatever the equavolent app source thru apple)
The App I lost on my upgrade from i0s7 to i0s7.1 or 7.3 .

Today, i thought of someone i know named “M” or “Em”, yet i know more than one,  ( 3 M’s ?) ..
..the likelyness that i tell either, since i see so rarely, i may not remember this to share with them,


Hi Em!
Summer of 2015 ; between Solar and Lunar eclipses of September2015

Search Master pages for other posts for other words that might not be hyper-linked Tags.

I just UPDATED moments after Publishing ..
added keyphrase “Master.com.content” for search support …
..added words to Categories and Tags …
“If those words Tag linked are not written here, then, they may be tags of nice thoughts.
And, leaving the Gravatar linked too gravatar tag

Special Edition of “”The 3 W’s””!

Writing; from the days of personal letters and formal press in ink, unto the days of the digital age; so unto the future,

And SPIN : ImageImageImageImage


August 18, 2015

Searching for the words of my own, or of my favorites found on topics here on my WordPress pages isn’t always as easy as it seemed it would be , adding “master.com.content” has helped a lot.

Summer Sails And Sizzle Of the Steaks

May 29, 2014

Summer Brake and what is at stake!

All the education that was given and what good does it do

Repeat the process or take an eccelerated class

Sounds like poetry! yet if it were all that good, it would be easier to picture ..
… Then to write, the words would be abundant to find
If two agreed on everything, it would be then too right
If there was no pain, there would be no shame
The words might not find a place and the way some sound
Dreams might stretch for those most stable
Echo the season’s past and present hence
The willing able wether on, and praise
The stubborn ego gesture in their suds and pace opposed to wait
Out to pasture, all the while , a maze of grazing comes to mind
The stalls aligned is the starting gate, and a couple curves then straight again
Win or lose give your best to ride as each horse tries
This is only one time around, to be best in the finale lap
Cut to the chase, then it’s back to the stable
Relax, enjoy, the slumber, and dream; those realize

All the eggs put in one basket and what is to expect

Oversight without a formula to bridal and harness the potential of good

Ego, Greed, Corruption , as well as love and lust, too over enedulgence

What a monster those can be somewhat of word like created

Summer Time Blues

Only thing of note right now,it is only day in May


May 8, 2014
TRY SEARCH LINKED HERE: http://oldship.wordpress.master.com/texis/master/search/
Title: Old Ole Ship | oLE_SHIP wORDpRESS BLOG | Page 2
Keywords: -None-
Description: oLE_SHIP wORDpRESS BLOG
Body: Economist’s View: The Mental Strain from Being PoorSeptember 21, 2013Economist’s View: The Mental Strain from Being Poor.

Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a Comment »

Recent posts from Strategists on Typepad | Typepad

September 21, 2013


Using Javascript



JavaScript will work within WordPress. It can be used within WordPress template files in WordPress Themes or Child Themes. JavaScript cannot be added to post content without a special WordPress Plugin that removes the filters that prevent unwanted code within the post content area, for the protection of the user.

JavaScript in Template Files

The safe and recommended method of adding JavaScript to a WordPress generated page, and WordPress Theme or Plugin, is by using wp_enqueue_script(). This function includes the script if it hasn’t already been included, and safely handles dependencies.

To use JavaScript repeatedly within your site, you can either set the call for the JavaScript, or the script itself, in the head of your header.php template file, between the meta tags and the style sheet link, no differently than you would if you were using JavaScript in any HTML page. To “load” the JavaScript file into your site, in the head, add something like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/emailpage.js"></script>

If your custom JavaScript isn’t working after including the previous line of code in your header.php template file, use the following line of code.

<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/pathto/yourscript.js"></script>

Include the leading forward slash “/”, even if your file is located in the root of your theme.

Be sure that you define the type correctly, as your site will not validate without it.

In the spot where you wish to use the JavaScript, set the call for the JavaScript. For example, you are using a JavaScript that sets a link for users to “email this page” to a friend, and you want it to be under the post title. It might look like this:

<h3 class="storytitle">
 <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark">
 <?php the_title(); ?></a>
<div class="emailpage">
 <script type="text/javascript"><!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--

JavaScript in Posts

To use JavaScript inside of posts in WordPress, you need to take a few more steps. Odds are that this usage is for one or only a few instances, so adding the script to the header would be unnecessary.

For the occasional or one time use of JavaScript, you need to put the script into a JavaScript file, and then call it out from within the post. Make sure that each script is defined by its function name, such as:

function updatepage(){var m="Page updated "+document.lastMo.......}

To include Javascript inside a post, you need to combine the call to the script file with the call to the JavaScript itself.

<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/updatepage.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

If the src attribute of your JavaScript tag is being stripped out, you need to turn off the rich editor (from the dashboard, go to Users > Your Profile > Personal Options). If you are using the rich editor, the JavaScript tag’s src attribute may be stripped out even when manually editing in the HTML popup window.

Creating a Multiple Script File

You might have a collection of scripts that you call from time to time, like a script that calculates time zones or distance, or maybe scripts that create some effect or accent on your page. For recurring JavaScript, consider grouping them together into one file.

For this example, name the group JavaScript file scriptfile.js (choose whatever you want) and say it contains the updatepage, emailpage, and caltimezone scripts. As you copy each JavaScript into the file, make sure it has a unique function name such as with this condensed version:

function updatepage() {var m="Page updated "+document.lastMo.......}
function emailpage() {mail_str = "mailto:?subject=....}
function caltimezone() {var timerID ; function tzone(tz, os, ds, cl) {this.ct =......} 

Place the script file of all the JavaScript in the head of the header.php template file between the meta tags and the style sheet link. It will just sit there, loaded into the browser’s memory, waiting for one of the scripts inside to be called.

<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/scriptfile.js"></script>

In the spot in your post where you would like to use the JavaScript, call it as follows:

<script type="text/javascript">

Using Multiple JavaScript Files Inside One Post or Page

When using functions laying in multiple JavaScript files, add all the JavaScript references in the header.php. If you really need to write the script reference in the body of the post or Page, ensure that the URL to the JavaScript file starts with the forward-slash (“/”), which is your webserver’s document root (the “htdocs” directory in the case of Apache webserver). This is called a fixed URL. If you do not specify the starting slash (“/”), it becomes a relative URL (“../../relative/path/to/javacripts/file.js”), and is calculated relative to the current location in the directory structure.

If you do this, you will almost surely need to maintain several versions of this reference because different parts of the displayed content are generated from different locations. For example, pages are created from .php template files in the WordPress root directory (note that this is not the webserver’s document root), while posts are created from .php template files in the chosen theme’s directory (“/path-to-wordpress-root/wp-content/themes/yourtheme/partofpost.php”). These are two different paths.

Troubleshooting Javascript

If you are having trouble with including JavaScript inside a post, use the Text Control Plugin, which allows you to control, on a global or per post basis, the ability to turn off WordPress’ automatic formatting features, which can quickly turn code into something readable instead of executable. Set the options on the post that you will be using the JavaScript on to have No Formatting or Markup or nl2br, and No Character Formatting. You may have to experiment to get it to work. As a reminder, when using the Text Control Plugin, you must first Save and Continue Editing the post in order to see the Text Control Plugin options.

If you choose No Formatting, your post’s text will run together, so you will have to add paragraph tags and other HTML tags in order to format your page, as WordPress normally does that for you.

If your JavaScript does not work, triple check that you have not made any errors during the cut and paste into a group or single file. Be sure you used a text editor, and not a word processing program, to create the JavaScript file. Check the name of the function in the script file, as well as on your site. Not all JavaScript may work, and could possibly conflict with your PHP commands, but this is very rare.

If you are having trouble with this, the WordPress Support Forum may be able to help.


JavaScript Popup Boxes

JavaScript has three kind of popup boxes: Alert box, Confirm box, and Prompt box.

Alert Box

An alert box is often used if you want to make sure information comes through to the user.

When an alert box pops up, the user will have to click “OK” to proceed.



The window.alert method can be written without the window prefix.


alert(“I am an alert box!”);

Try it Yourself »


Confirm Box

A confirm box is often used if you want the user to verify or accept something.

When a confirm box pops up, the user will have to click either “OK” or “Cancel” to proceed.

If the user clicks “OK”, the box returns true. If the user clicks “Cancel”, the box returns false.



The window.confirm() method can be written without the window prefix.


var r=confirm(“Press a button”);
if (r==true)
x=”You pressed OK!”;
x=”You pressed Cancel!”;

Try it Yourself »


Prompt Box

A prompt box is often used if you want the user to input a value before entering a page.

When a prompt box pops up, the user will have to click either “OK” or “Cancel” to proceed after entering an input value.

If the user clicks “OK” the box returns the input value. If the user clicks “Cancel” the box returns null.



The window.prompt() method can be written without the window prefix.


var person=prompt(“Please enter your name”,”Harry Potter”);

if (person!=null)
x=”Hello ” + person + “! How are you today?”;

Try it Yourself »


Line Breaks

To display line breaks inside a popup box, use a back-slash followed by the character n.


alert(“Hello\nHow are you?”);

Try it Yourself »

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://services.webestools.com/menus-horizon/style-20.js?txt=Home%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.webestools.com%252F%0AForum%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.webestools.com%252Fforum-discussions.html%0AHelp%2520us%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.webestools.com%252Fhelpus.html%0AContact%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.webestools.com%252Fcontact.html%0A"></script>Code

1 2 3
5Sample for JavaScript menu bar
7 <styletype=”text/css”> 8 #menuBar {
9 margin: 0;
10 padding: 0;
11 display: table;
12 background-color: #333388;
13 }
15 #menuBar div {
16 margin: 0;
17 padding: 0;
18 list-style: none;
19 position: relative;
20 float: left;
21 border-right: 1px #AAAAAA solid;
22 }
24 #menuBar div a {
25 display: block;
26 margin: 0;
27 padding: 5px 15px;
28 color: #FFFFFA;
29 text-align: center;
30 text-decoration: none;
31 font-weight: bold;
32 }
34 #menuBar div a:hover {
35 background: #5555FF;
36 }
38 #menuBar span {
39 margin: 1px;
40 padding: 0;
41 position: absolute;
42 visibility: hidden;
43 white-space: nowrap;
44 display: table;
45 z-index: 3;
46 }
48 #menuBar span a {
49 margin: 0;
50 padding: 2px 10px;
51 background: #3333AA;
52 color: #FFFFFA;
53 font-size:90%;
54 text-align: left;
55 text-decoration: none;
56 font-weight: normal;
57 }
59 #menuBar span a:hover {
60 background: #5555FF;
61 }

64 <scripttype=”text/javascript”> 65 //<! [CDATA[ (non-xhtml? remove this line. xhtml? just remove the space between! and [) 66 104 //]]> (non-xhtml? remove this line) 105

108 109
111 <divid=”menuBar”> 112

114 <ahref=”http://alexapps.net&#8221; 115 onmouseover=”openMenu(‘menu1’)”onmouseout=”closeMenu()”>Home
117 <spanid=”menu1″onmouseover=”keepMenuOpen()”onmouseout=”closeMenu()”>


122 <ahref=”http://alexapps.net/Apple/iOS/Apps/MyApps&#8221; 123 onmouseover=”openMenu(‘menu2’)”onmouseout=”closeMenu()”>iPhone Apps
125 <spanid=”menu2″onmouseover=”keepMenuOpen()”onmouseout=”closeMenu()”>
126 <ahref=”http://alexapps.net/Apple/iOS/Apps/MyApps/BoxingiTimer”>Boxing iTimer

128 <ahref=”http://alexapps.net/Apple/iOS/Apps/MyApps/GPSAlarms”>GPSAlarms
129 <ahref=”http://alexapps.net/Apple/iOS/Apps/MyApps/GPSAlarmPlus”>GPSAlarm+


134 <ahref=”” 135 onmouseover=”openMenu(‘menu3’)”onmouseout=”closeMenu()”>Help
137 <spanid=”menu3″onmouseover=”keepMenuOpen()”onmouseout=”closeMenu()”>
138 <ahref=”http://alexapps.net”>About Us
139 <ahref=”http://alexapps.net/contact.xhtml”>Contact Us


145 <divstyle=”clear:both”>


Sample for JavaScript Menu Bar

150 <divid=”log”style=”font-size: xx-small”/> 151
153 http://alexapps.net/HowTo/JavaScript/MenuBar/index.xhtml